usgslidar package¶
usgslidar.get_data module¶
- usgslidar.get_data.get_elevetion(array_data, crs_epgs=4326)¶
Returns the elevation of each point in the point_cloud data
- usgslidar.get_data.get_geopandas_dataframe()¶
- usgslidar.get_data.get_polygon_boundaries(polygon: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, input_epsg: int = 3857, output_epsg: int = 4326)¶
Gets the required polygon boundaries
- Arguments:
- Polygon – A shapely polygon
- Input epsg – The input CRS reference system
default – 3857
- Output epsg – The output CRS reference system
default – 26915
- Returns: A tuple of lists containing rectangular boundary
([minx, maxx],[miny,maxy]) & the initial user polygon input
- usgslidar.get_data.get_raster_terrain(polygon: list, region: str, PUBLIC_ACCESS_PATH: str = '', OUTPUT_FILENAME_LAZ: str = '../data/laz/SoPlatteRiver.las', OUTPUT_FILENAME_TIF: str = '../data/tif/SoPlatteRiver.tif', PIPELINE_PATH: str = 'get_data.json') None ¶
Initializes the PDAL pipeline and gets bound for entire region
- Arguments:
Polygon (list of x,y coordinate tuples) – sets boundary region (string) – region
- Optional Arguments:
PIPELINE_PATH (string) – path to new PDAL pipeline
- Returns:
Arrays from the PDAL pipeline
usgslidar.logs module¶
- usgslidar.logs.log(path, file)¶
[Create a log file to record the experiment’s logs] Arguments:
path {string} – path to the directory file {string} – file name
- Returns:
[obj] – [logger that record logs]